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Trike needed

$1,455 of $1,400 goal
Given by 36 generous donors in 7 weeks

Trike needed to help prevent further deterioration of our sons spine, also for losing weight due to his rare syndrome Prader-willi syndrome


Hi I have a wee boy Dekken who's special needs. He has prader-willi syndrome and this year alone its been a very rough ride medically with him with double hip and double femur surgery etc.

We have been exploring trikes for him but it has to be a specialised one because of his disabilities etc.

We now have to add into his already complicated medical side, scoliosis of his whole spine, possible collapsed C3 vertebrae and his S1 vertebrae has fused and not formed right(this we found out on thursday)

So the hunt for a trike became more complicated.

Trikes nz who specialises in bikes for disabled was in town today so we went and met up with him and the trike suitable for dekks is 10k :(:(:(.

We have applied to a couple foundations and will be adding these contributions.

Use of funds

To put towards buying a specialised trike for him

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Latest update

Exciting news  22 October 2020

Exciting news we were approved some funding today to go towards the trike, so we only need to now raise $1400

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Latest donations

Jane on 08 Nov 2020
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 08 Nov 2020
Be strong, Dekken
Rosemar on 08 Nov 2020
I don’t know you, but I hope this will complete the amount you need to give your boy his specialised bike.
Donna on 03 Nov 2020
Wow, what an awesome bike! Hope you get it in time for Christmas!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 03 Nov 2020
Good luck

Who's involved?

Rachelle Mitchell's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Rachelle Mitchell
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This campaign started on 17 Oct 2020 and ended on 7 Dec 2020.