This page is to help Raise funds to cover medical exepenses and any other costs that will aid in her recovery.
Manurewa, Auckland
Trudy lee was attacked by 3 pitbulls in Manurewa Sunday 1:30pm she is a 35 year old mother of 6 Children needing urgent support.
Trudy has been helped be ACC for most of her medical costs. However she still needs help with taking care of her kids, living costs such us rent etc.
I am her Childhood friend of 20 years plus
Helping Trudy with taking care of her 6 Children such as living costs, rent etc.
Change of Payee 23 December 2024
As per the request of Trudy, funds will now be paid to Krystal who will receive the funds on Trudy's behalf and pass them onto Trudy at a later date.