Truly shocking, a good man needs your help, to recover from bowel and prostate cancer.

$150 donated
Given by 3 generous donors in around 3 months

Not 1 but 2 major cancers, bowel and prostate. Please help this amazing man, he's been trying to save lives, now he needs you to save his.


Not one but two major cancers, bowel and prostate. Please help this good man who has spent the past six years unpaid, setting up life saving air ambulance helicopters in the Pacific Islands.

On the 23rd of December 2022, 2 days before Christmas, Rodger was diagnosed with bowel cancer, and told it may not be operable. However an amazing surgeon, a few weeks ago operated on Rodger, a major operation removing his ascending Colon. Then in a cruel twist, while being told the bowel cancer operation was a success, but then while in recovery, he was told the shocking news he also has prostate cancer. Can you imagine having survived one of the biggest killers, to be told you also have the next biggest to deal with.

Rodger has been working on saving lives, now he needs your help, he's been off work for 3 months, and probably another 3 at least, due to the prostate surgery next month. Rodger has not had income and living and paying medical expenses, (no insurance) his savings has all but gone. On top of this, his bowel cancer is the type that chemotherapy has no effect on, so he needs medication.

He also wants to find the best prostate surgeon, he is a fit healthy guy, and is needed back helping the rescue helicopter trust business set up in the Pacific Islands. Please help, any donation will be greatly appreciated to help him get through a very very difficult period that most of us would consider a nightmare.

Thank you so much.

Use of funds

Medical expenses and and living expenses while off work for 6 months

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Latest donations

John on 09 Mar 2023
Christine on 08 Mar 2023
Private Donor
Private Donor on 07 Mar 2023
most people would find it difficult to have just one of these cancers, having them both must require so much courage to get through it.

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Rodger McCutcheon's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Rodger McCutcheon
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This campaign started on 7 Mar 2023 and ended on 7 Jun 2023.