Turbo was born with a genetic condition affecting his legs. We raising funds for surgery & on going needs to improve his quality of life.
Turbo was born on the 13th October with a an extremely rare condition called Ectrodactyly or Lobster Syndrome. Ectrodactyly is a congenital disorder in which the development of the front paws has been disturbed leaving turbo with one non-functioning lower limb (which resembles a lobster claw) and a functioning limb with a split in the toes.
We have finally had a specialist assessment and while we are excited that we have options for him, we are also pretty scared. There is very little literature on surgeries to improve the deformity. Most surgeries have opted for amputation. We have an additional problem in that Turbo's front legs are shorter than the back and so he really does need additional support in the form of the fourth limb.
Turbo came into our lives on the 22nd December 2016. We have just started our journey with Turbo and are under no disillusionment - we have a long road ahead of us - but we are willing to tackle it with him. I have been met with some major criticism for adopting a less than perfect puppy and we have had to get use to people making some harsh comments regarding his disability but we have also been met with amazing support including people wanting to sponsor Turbo financially.
We have set up a Facebook page to chronicle his journey and to raise awareness of how dogs with disabilities such as Turbo's can adjust and achieve and live long, healthy lives.
While Turbo has a severe disability, this does not affect his outlook or his nature. He is an amazing dog with an amazing personality. He loves children, cats and his big brother and sister. He tries his utmost to keep up with the gang and when the going gets a bit too tough, is happy to wing it in a backpack!
Please consider supporting Turbo and help us achieve what he needs.
I am (proudly) Turbo's human Mum!
The first two years of this journey are going to be our toughest financially. 1 visit to the specialist vet is a consultation fee of $220.00. Physio therapy is $60 per session. The 'Wheelie Vest' has been quoted at approximately $1550.00 & his prosthetic will come in between $1600 - $2200.00.
Below is a list of where your donations will go;
Surgery to amputate the non-functioning limb
On-going Physio therapy costs
A 'Wheely Vest' - to help him get around
A prosthetic limb
Progressing news 30 May 2017
Well - its not been an easy 4 weeks and unfortunately it isn't good news. Following Turbo's first surgery, the elbow joint which was very fragile broke. This resulted in Turbo needing to be splinted. While he was splinted - the suture site started to breakdown. The body rejected the implanted and unfortunately Turbo had to go in for urgent surgery last Wednesday. We have now removed the implant and replaced it with a different one that is more flexible but less stable. The vet has also wired the ulner to the radius in the hope this will repair the break.
We will not be doing any further surgery or any further procedures until Turbo is at least one year old. Right now we are focusing on getting the mobility in his leg back.
Unfortunately our costs continue to mount with this unforseen surgery and the ongoing physio therapy needs. Please continue to share this link - every dollar, every cent, every penny counts.