U17 NZ indoor cricket team, Dubai or Not Dubai 2023

$1,670 of $8,000 goal
Given by 15 generous donors in around 3 months

Connor would love your help and assistance to be able to play for and represent New Zealand at Indoor Cricket in Dubai this year

Eastbourne, Lower Hutt

My name is Connor Gatward and I enjoy all things cricket. I play outdoor 1st X1 College cricket, Club cricket and Indoor cricket. I've recently represented Wellington at Indoor Provincials, winning the U17 tournament and following this was selected to represent New Zealand at the U17 Junior World Series tournament in Dubai later this year. As Indoor cricket is un-funded I need to raise money to cover the costs of my trip to represent New Zealand in the region of $7,500, anything over and above this I would look to help fellow Wellington U17 NZ players who have also made the National side. I would be very grateful and privileged for any donations towards this trip.

Justin Gatward's involvement (page creator)

I am Connor's Father and am helping him to try and raise some funds for his trip to Dubai to represent NZ U17s at indoor cricket

Use of funds

The funding will help to pay for all or part of the costs towards the trip to Dubai to represent NZ in the Junior World series tournament later this year.

Latest donations

Linda on 06 Jul 2023
Good Luck Connor love Nanx
Justin Gatward

Thanks so much Nan, Connor x

Justin Gatward
Virginia on 20 Jun 2023
Go Connor!
Justin Gatward

Thanks so much Tots

Justin Gatward
Antony on 29 May 2023
Nice work Connor. Good luck from the Holdens.
Justin Gatward

Thank you so much guys

Justin Gatward
Christine on 29 May 2023
Good luck Connor. You have worked so hard and totally deserve this. We are incredibly proud of you. Chris, Andrew and Archie.
Justin Gatward

Thank you Chris, Andrew and Archie, really appreciate your help

Justin Gatward
Lauren & Anthony
Lauren & Anthony on 29 May 2023
Awesome work Connor!
Justin Gatward

Thank you so much Lauren, Anthony and family Delaney

Justin Gatward

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Justin Gatward on behalf of Connor Gatward
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This campaign started on 4 May 2023 and ended on 11 Aug 2023.