Uganda Missions Trip

$40 of $8,000 goal
Given by 3 generous donors in around 4 months

I am off to Uganda to volunteer in an orphanage for three weeks in January.


It has been a dream of mine since I was 12 to work in orphanages in third world countries, to make a difference and to do something that I am passionate about. While I am there I will be playing with the children, loving on the children and helping out the adults in any way I can. I will be doing lots of manual work, cleaning cots and helping clean up in whatever way I can. I am so excited about this next journey in my life and cannot wait to see what God is going to do through me and in my life. I believe that this is only the first of many missions trips in my life. I have got my Early Childhood Degree which I completed last year, so this missions trip would be an amazing learning experience for me and for my career.

Latest donations

Ann Hammond
Ann Hammond on 22 Aug 2014
Get you started Dani
Lesley Stevenson
Lesley Stevenson on 22 Aug 2014
You have so much love to share with those babies. What an awesome opportunity to start fulfilling your dream
Cherie Robinson
Cherie Robinson on 19 Aug 2014
Good luck! What a wonderful place the world would be if there were more young people as caring as you!

Who's involved?

Danielle Stevenson's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Danielle Stevenson
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This campaign started on 20 Aug 2014 and ended on 25 Dec 2014.