Uncle Joe needs your help!

$5,284 donated
Given by 52 generous donors in around 6 months

Uncle Joe needs your help for Immunotherapy treatment.

Lower Hutt, Wellington

family and friends! I am writing this on behalf of my best friend Louise.

Uncle Joe needs your help!

Her dad known to most of us uncle Joe (Joe Tangitutu)was diagnosed with follicular lymphoma cancer back in 2020. 6 months after radiation treatment the same sign and symptoms reappeared again. After undergoing a second biopsy, found growing on the back of follicular lymphoma was different type of cancer called squamous cell carcinoma. This was a shock to the family, and a massive shock to the treating health professional as this a very rare occurrences.

Uncle Joe under went a second round radiation and this time chemotherapy was included in treatment.

This enabled uncle joe to be in remission for about 9 months. The cancer is growing back and we want to stop this/slow it down to prolong his life expectancy.

This has taken a huge toll on the family they are doing all they can to help him live a comfortable life. They are in need of raising $78,000 to get the treatment he needs.

Immunotherapy is the recommended option for treatment of the cancer, in tandem with chemotherapy to boost the cells to attack the cancer. Unfortunately, this treatment is not funded by Pharmac/not publicly funded in New Zealand.

Uncle Joe never asks for help and is always helping other people out. This is his time to get the help he needs so please family and friends donate as much or as little as you can anything helps right

Let’s all come together as one and help this beautiful family out. ❤️

Lucy Kerr's involvement (page creator)

Best friend.

Use of funds

Cancer treatment (Pembrolizumab & IV infusion)

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Latest donations

Delme on 08 Aug 2023
Pule, Mereana, Mary, Stef, Emi, Sonny
Pule, Mereana, Mary, Stef, Emi, Sonny on 30 Jul 2023
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 26 May 2023
Wishing you all the best for these treatments Joe
Anahera on 26 May 2023
You got this Uncle Joe
Tabitha on 26 May 2023
Kia kaha

Who's involved?

Lucy Kerr's avatar
Created by Lucy Kerr
Louise Tangitutu's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Louise Tangitutu
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This campaign started on 23 Mar 2023 and ended on 23 Sep 2023.