Upendo Face Orphanage is currently unable to cover its basic operating costs.
East Africa has recently been hit with unusually heavy rains, and Upendo Face Orphanage has experienced a lot of damage, and is currently unable to cover it's basic operating costs.
The orphanage houses 37 children, and looks after 52. There is a school onsite aswell!
$250 NZD would cover the basic needs (food / basic supplies / bills) for a week for the orphanage, so every little bit helps.
The orphanage also accepts volunteers, and I was lucky enough to spend some time there covering for an English teacher.
You can visit the orphanage facebook page at: https://www.facebook.com/Upendo-Face-Orphanage-462973767158200/
Covering basic operating costs.
$250 NZD would cover the basic needs (food / basic supplies / bills) for a week for the orphanage, so every little bit helps.
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