Urgent help needed for recent flood victims in the South of Brazil.

$2,389 donated
Given by 46 generous donors in 12 weeks

Helping Rio Grande do Sul’s families!


Currently in the South of Brazil numerous families are without a home, food and warm clothing for the upcoming winter. They lost everything!

It has been raining for days and the only way to rescue people is by air or boats. The shelters are already at full capacity with food and fresh water running low.

We are far away from home, but our hearts are with these families. Let’s do what we can to help!

Every little bit helps a great deal! The intention of this page is to raise as much funds as possible to help out families as needed. It will not go to one family alone. For example example, at the moment the shelters are asking for items they are in most need of, it may be items like nappies, or underwear (which is an item that is not usually donated). There are hundreds, if not thousands of shelters that are are asking for contributions. We will aim to send the money to trustworthy people that I know and can see are helping the community.

Please get in touch if you have any questions.

Thanks again!

Alessandra Hoffmann's involvement (page creator)

Me and my family are from Rio Grande do Sul. Thankfully my family is fine, but so many other families are not. Being overseas we are trying to help as we can.

Use of funds

Personal hygiene kits, food, fresh water, blankets, mattresses, underwear, etc.

I will be donating to these profiles currently assisting the people




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Latest update

How are things going in Rio Grande?   17 May 2024

Firstly, we'd like to thank everyone that has helped so far.

The rain continues and the cold months are just beginning, unfortunately many people are getting ill at the shelters. Including our brave volunteers, they are also leaving their own families behind to help others. This is not a problem that will be fixed in the short term, but it is a problem we are motivated to solve. We want to help save lives and restore the dignity of these people.

Please continue to share this link / donate / talk to friends about this issue.

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Nadia on 22 Jul 2024
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 28 Jun 2024
Ivan on 02 Jun 2024
Harrison on 31 May 2024
Natalia on 30 May 2024

Who's involved?

Alessandra Hoffmann's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Alessandra Hoffmann on behalf of Brazilian families impacted by recent floods. These families lost everything!
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This campaign started on 7 May 2024 and ended on 31 Jul 2024.