To help Mila have the life she deserves
Christchurch, Canterbury
Welcome to CBBR Mila. This amazingly sweet girl is only 7 months old and after a joint venture by many people, safely arrived into our care last week.
Mila has an issue - quite a big one! To put it simply her bladder is the wrong shape and size and in slightly the wrong place. The walls are thickened from infection and it is basically useless, just acting like a funnel for her to constantly drip urine all over herself.
Every day we have to wash & dry her severely stained back end, apply cream to her urine burns and change her bedding multiple times. She doesn’t make a fuss, takes it all in her stride and is just the sweetest girl!
We don’t know what the future holds for her yet - she has already had an ultrasound and contrast Xrays and we are awaiting some further tests. The team at McMaster & Heap Veterinary Practice are on the case.
If you can spare $5 to help towards her mounting and likely very large future vet bills, we would be forever grateful!
Surgery to correct Milas Ectopic Ureters condition, any medication and desexing.