Please help us raise the funds to replace the Lions Club commerorative glass table damaged beyond repair by vandal/s 11-13 Octber 2019
In March 2019, the Lions Club of Invercargill Host, after raising $4,500, had a commemorative glass table depicting worldwide the 100 years of Lions Clubs internationally, made and gifted to the citizens of Invercargill. This table was installed in Invercargill's Queens Park Gardens and was well-liked by thousands of visitors to the Park.
Over the weekend of 11-13 October 2019 vandal/s smashed this table to pieces, beyond repair, and we desire to repalce the table.
I am the Lions Club Convenor that supplied a $4,500 commemorative glass table to the ciizens of Invercargill and its thousands of visitors to Invercargills Queens Park that was recently vandalised beyond repair. Replacement needed.
$4,500 needed to proide a replacement commemorative glass table in Invercargill's Queens Park.
HUGE THANK YOU 25 October 2019
The Lions Club of Invercargill Host appreciate your generosity and support, as we endeavour to raise $4500 to replace our commeroratibve glass table. THANK YOU donors.