Vaughan van Rensburg is cycling the entire length of New Zealand from Cape Reinga to Bluff.

$7,000 donated
Given by 92 generous donors in around 3 months

Cycling 3000 kilometres along the Tour Aotearoa trail for John Walker Find Your Field of Dreams Foundation


On the 17th of December, one of our local Otara principals Vaughan van Rensburg will be embarking on an epic adventure, cycling the entire length of New Zealand from Cape Reinga to Bluff, covering a distance of over 3000 kilometers along the Tour Aotearoa trail. This is all in an effort to raise funds for our aquatics education programs and we are honoured that Vaughan has committed to undertaking such an amazing journey.

"My name is Vaughan van Rensburg, and I have the privilege of serving as the Principal of Chapel Downs Primary School in South Auckland. Over the years, thousands of our students have benefited from the John Walker Field of Dreams Community Swim program at the local pool, and Community Survive program at the Wero White Water Park. These programs are making a significant impact on our community, helping children gain essential water safety and survival skills.

It is my aim to support the Field of Dreams foundation throughout my epic journey by spreading the water safety message across Aotearoa and assisting the foundation in raising funds for their incredible programs. Water safety is a vital life skill, and by supporting this cause, we can contribute to ensuring the safety of our future generations."

About us

Our charity was established in 2008 and provides 7 free sports, wellbeing and aquatics programs to 60,000 tamariki from 150 schools across South and East Auckland. All programs are free to the child, school, and whanau - we remove all barriers.

Use of funds

Funds going towards John Walker Find Your Field of Dreams Foundation for their incredible programs.

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Latest donations

Rick on 24 Jan 2024
Thanks for the amazing mahi Vaughan
Jacob Engles
Jacob Engles on 24 Jan 2024
Huge congrats, an amazing achievement Vaughan
Matt on 24 Jan 2024
Congratulations Vagues, here’s to you, Thai Holidays, cocktails, and trees growing through your bathroom!!
Tatu Arai-Tongalahi
Tatu Arai-Tongalahi on 18 Jan 2024
Well done Mr Van. From Tatu Arai-Tongalahi and family
Bryce and Eleanor Turner
Bryce and Eleanor Turner on 18 Jan 2024
Vaughan, you are an inspiration to all with your commitment to Chapel Downs

Who's involved?

John Walker Find Your Field of Dreams Foundation's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, John Walker Find Your Field of Dreams Foundation (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 24 Nov 2023 and ended on 24 Feb 2024.