Keep Victoria's goal alive

$18,658 donated
Given by 288 generous donors in 4 weeks

Victoria wanted nothing more than to give her little girl everything in life, lets help her out


Victoria Foster was a strong, bright, caring, beautiful, fun person. She worked so hard to provide the best life she could for her and her daughter and all of her dreams were finally coming true, her hard work was paying off. Unfortunately she was taken from us too soon so we would like to begin a givealittle with all funds raised going to her daughter who not only lost her mum but her best friend.

All donations will go directly in to a not for profit bank account set up in Mady's name to help her family provide for her and also to help with funeral costs if they need.

Renee-lee Hunt's involvement (page creator)

Victoria was an amazing friend who always went out of her way to help others, this fund is set up to do the same for her.

Latest donations

mike on 29 Nov 2015
RIP Tori xx
Constellation Brands NZ Ltd
Constellation Brands NZ Ltd on 26 Nov 2015
Best wishes to Mady
kim on 26 Nov 2015
Tori you were an amazing woman and an inspiration to many. You were taken too soon. But you have left an amazing legacy in mady xo
Saskia on 25 Nov 2015
Xx so sad! I will keep you in my prayers xx
Sharon and Mark
Sharon and Mark on 24 Nov 2015
Such a lovely sole taken way to soon x honour to have work with you x

Who's involved?

Renee-lee Hunt's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Renee-lee Hunt on behalf of VictoriaFoster
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This campaign started on 27 Oct 2015 and ended on 30 Nov 2015.