Village Aunties

$0 donated
Started 4 years ago

Village Aunties help mums get through the first 6 months with a baby with in home support, help us help mums & babies get an easier start.


At Village Aunties we provide support to whanau in the Taupo area who have recently had a baby.

It is a free service where we come to your home and help with light household cleaning, food preparation and assistance with baby or other children eg play with them while you have a shower or nap.

We rely on grants and fundraising to make this service free to our women so please help us reach more whanau by supporting us if you are able.

Use of funds

Funds raised will go towards supporting Village Aunties to reach more families with new babies by helping cover administration costs. We are hoping to raise enough money to start paying a coordinator to run this service.

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Village Aunties (Group)
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This campaign started on 10 Feb 2020 and ended on 19 Jan 2021.