Vince's funeral costs and plaque

$105 donated
Given by 3 generous donors in 4 weeks

To help ease the financial pressure Merv has


Vince died in October 2019, leaving behind 4 beautiful young children. Vince's Dad Merv took control of the account for Vince's funeral. Merv has now lost his Dad and has a lot of unexpected costs. I will help Merv as much as I can but with 2 young children to raise, this isn't that easy. I would love to raise some money to help Merv pay for Vince's funeral costs and to have a plaque made for a headstone where his ashes will be burried

Use of funds

Funeral costs

Plaque cost

Any extra will be donated to suicide prevention

Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 Jun 2020
Kaikatea on 24 Jun 2020
Love you my bro ❤️
Mary on 24 Jun 2020
God Bless

Who's involved?

Micole Gallagher's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Micole Gallagher
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This campaign started on 24 Jun 2020 and ended on 24 Jul 2020.