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Viva Las Vegas

  • "Autobots, ensemble"

      20 December 2022

    Tomorrow is the first training for all the boys to gather and meet, lace up their boots and start to form the team bonding they will be relying on while they're away. The lads are scattered from Auckland to Queenstown, so there's some real dedication being shown. Fingers crossed that the weather is a little less dramatic than what it was today.

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  • Still battling on!

      10 December 2022
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    In typical fashion, this kid refuses to quit, slow down or stop. Fractured orbital bone and bruised eyeball hasn't even caused a blip on Masons radar. Today he's back in Western Springs for day three of the NZ Under 17 tournament, currently 1 up against Tauranga (pretty darn good team). Today's 5.30am start is currently paying off... Russell and I continue to thank you all for your love and support in getting Mason this far and beyond. Las Vegas is getting closer and this kid ain't stopping xxx

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  • Trainings going well 😐

      30 November 2022
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    Training for the tournament is about to kick off next month, in the mean time Masons been training hard for the Under 17 tournament, to be held Dec 8-11. Last night he got a head to the face, so today we are off to check if it's a broken cheek or eye socket... 😭🤣

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