Viviana is fighting for her life.

$19,776 donated
Given by 275 generous donors in 12 weeks

Viviana, a young mother of a 3-year-old baby boy, fights for her life as a rare type of cancer takes over.

Te Awamutu, Waikato

Kia Ora, Hola, Hello

Viviana is my beautiful wife, she is only 42 years old and we have a 3 years old baby boy.

Like many other migrant families, we have no family here in New Zealand. That is why, we are asking for your support on this difficult time. As resident visa holders, we do not have access to any support from MSD, so now we depend on one income.

After a long time of waiting for a referral at Oncology back in Hamilton, the specialists gave us horrible news, they found differents tumours in her body. Viviana has metastasis.

At this stage, we finished her first oral chemotherapy and she is doing her best to be strong for our baby boy, who is everything to us.

Everything started years ago when she started having abnormal symptoms like pain and bleeding.

We went from one medical centre to another asking for help but they never wanted to do an endoscopy or colonoscopy, the advice was to take paracetamol and laxatives.

We requested to do it privately, but the prices were quite high so we couldn't afford it.

At the beginning of this year, Viviana travelled to Chile with our son when she started to feel unwell so she went to see a doctor there, they immediately requested an abdominal CT scan.

Sadly and unfortunately, we received terrible news.

Please, help us by donating or/and sharing this page.

Every cent counts.


Aroha nui!

Benjamin Rojas Robeson's involvement (page creator)

Viviana is my wife.

Use of funds

We depend on one income only so we need the money to pay our bills, and put food on our table. We live in Te Awamutu so we have to travel often to Hamilton for medical appointments.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 05 Mar 2024
Dios cuida de ti y tu familia
Emilio on 04 Mar 2024
Lucia on 02 Feb 2024
Kia kaha!
Sabina on 28 Jan 2024
Ánimo y fuerzas a esta hermosa familia! Que el amor y la esperanza sea más fuerte que cualquier dificultad ❤️‍🩹
Juliana on 27 Jan 2024

Who's involved?

Benjamin Rojas Robeson's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Benjamin Rojas Robeson on behalf of My wife Viviana
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This campaign started on 8 Dec 2023 and ended on 7 Mar 2024.