WPS AIMS Football Team need your Kind Donations!

$1,240 of $9,000 goal
Given by 31 generous donors in 9 weeks

Help the Waiheke Primary AIMS football team have an amazing experience and challenge themselves at AIMS Games in Tauranga, September 2023!

Waiheke Island, Auckland

We are a football team of twelve, 11 and 12 year olds from Waiheke Primary, who are thrilled to be attending the Zespri AIMS games held in Tauranga in September this year.

The AIMS games is the largest sporting event in New Zealand for Intermediate aged kids. It hosts 25 sporting codes and has an attendance of approximately 11,000 students. AIMS games provides a wonderful opportunity for adolescents to compete in sporting competitions, experience the spirit of friendship and community and expand their social interaction skills.

There are many expenses that come with getting our team to AIMS, totaling to approximately $13,000. We will be paying for transport, uniformed sweatshirts, one week’s worth of accommodation, AIMS games entry fees and food. Our players are calling out to you to help them have an amazing experience and challenging themselves!

Marlena Howes' involvement (page creator)

I am a parent of one of the twelve boys and am creating this Givealittle page on behalf of all the families of the boys of the team

Use of funds

We will be paying for transport, uniformed sweatshirts, one week’s worth of accommodation, AIMS games entry fees and food.

Latest donations

Jamie W WUOF
Jamie W WUOF on 30 Jul 2023
Gareth on 30 Jul 2023
Steven on 30 Jul 2023
Go well team! Steve M, Waiheke Old Fellas
Andrea on 08 Jul 2023
The Patmores
The Patmores on 01 Jul 2023
Good luck Lachie and team! ⚽👍

Who's involved?

Marlena Howes's avatar
Created by Marlena Howes
Sarah Craze's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Sarah Craze on behalf of Waiheke Primary AIMS games Football Team
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This campaign started on 27 May 2023 and ended on 31 Jul 2023.