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Waikato Waldorf School Development Project

$1,260 of $450,000 goal
Given by 7 generous donors in around 6 months

Help Waikato Waldorf School raise $500,000 to transition into the first full Steiner high school in New Zealand in over 40 years.

Hamilton, Waikato

Recently, the Waikato Waldorf School received approval to extend its school become a full high school - which will make it the first full Steiner High School in New Zealand for over 40 years! You probably know our school if you have ever attended the fabulous Medieval Carnival that we produce each year.

We are funding the school development project through a combination of bank borrowing and fundraising.

We have set ourselves a fundraising target of $500,000 for new facilities for the lower school and high school including:

1. Two new lower school classrooms for classes one and two,

2. Renovation of class 2 into a high school science laboratory

3. Relocation of lower school library

4. New play areas for lower school students.

The plan is to move classes one and two into newly built classrooms before the end of the academic year, allowing their old classrooms to be converted into a high school laboratory and a new high school teaching space. The two new classrooms have to occupy the site of the current playground, which is why we have to build a new playground which our students have helped design.

About us

Rudolf Steiner Schools (Waikato) Trust is the proprietor's trust for the Waikato Waldorf School, an integrated school that follows the pedagogy of Rudolf Steiner.

Use of funds

1. Two new lower school classrooms for classes one and two,

2. Renovation of class 2 into a high school science laboratory

3. Relocation of lower school library

4. New play areas for lower school students.

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Latest update

Revised goal $450,000  5 May 2023

Following receipt of a $50,000 donation, we have reduced our target on Givealittle.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 May 2023
Richelle on 26 May 2023
I’m happy to contribute to realise the vision of many people, past and present families and all those who believe in the benefits of Steiner education.
Evelyn on 24 May 2023
Michael on 23 Mar 2023
Good Luck
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 22 Mar 2023
Keep up the good work!

Who's involved?

Rudolf Steiner Schools (Waikato) Trust's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Rudolf Steiner Schools (Waikato) Trust (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 21 Mar 2023 and ended on 21 Sep 2023.