Wainuiomata Trail Project trail building donations

$1,475 donated
Given by 21 generous donors in 3 years

The Wainuiomata Trail Project (WTP) builds and maintains tracks in Waiu Park, for the benefit of the community


The Wainuiomata Trail Project (WTP) builds and maintains mountain biking tracks in Waiu Park, for the benefit of the community (mountain bikers, runner and walkers) . WTP also holds mountain biking events, and allows other organisations to hold events at the park.

Maintaining and building the tracks is primarily volunteer based, but sometimes we need to get machinery in, buy tools, make signage and do a lot of other small jobs.

If you cannot volunteer your time, but would like to contribute to the upkeep of the park, a financial donation will go along way to help. The WTP committee will allocate this money to projects/jobs in our annual plan

Latest donations

Clinton on 30 Apr 2021
Graeme on 10 Feb 2021
great trails, thanks all!
Stephen on 23 Dec 2020
Steve and Simon - Youthwise Trust
Mark on 25 Sep 2020
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Jul 2020
Thank you for the great trails

Who's involved?

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Wainuiomata Trail Project (Group) on behalf of Wainuiomata Trail Project trail building donations
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This campaign started on 23 Jul 2017 and ended on 1 Jun 2021.