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Waiohiki Flood Recovery

$9,480 donated
Given by 77 generous donors in 14 days

Recovery relief to help the people of Waiohiki

Waiohiki, Hawke's Bay

Waiohiki has been greatly affected by Cyclone Gabrielle, thankfully our whānau are all safe, but many now homeless, with homes, urupa and kohanga now devastated. It will be a long road to recovery, clearing the area, rehousing whānau, needless to say in the short term, shelter, food and clothing. We are grateful for any contribution.

Waiohiki is a small village between Napier and Hastings. In the early hours of the morning, many people throughout the village were saved by a Ngāti Paarau hapu member, with over 120 taking refuge at Waiohiki Marae, and up to 70 more taking refuge where they could.

Use of funds

This money will go towards whānau who are in need and have been made homeless and to support the clearing, cleaning, recovery and rebuilding of Waiohiki. The money will be distributed through the Waiohiki Marae Board of Trustees.

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Waiohiki Marae  6 March 2023

Tēnā koe,

we want to thank you for your generous donation to the Waiohiki recovery efforts after Cyclone Gabrielle. The whānau have spent many days cleaning up, with so many generous volunteers pitching in a hand and helping where they can. Many whānau are still at Waipatu Marae, and others are with whānau members. Again, we would like to thank you,

ngā mihi,

Jade on behalf of Waiohiki Marae

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Kay on 04 Mar 2023
Ngā mihi nunui ki a koutou Ngāti Pārau. I tupuake tōku tāne ki Ōtātara. He whānau Pākehā mātou, ā he tāngata Tiriti. Tēnei tā mātou paku koha ki a koutou, te mana whenua o tērā wāhi, ngā mana whenua. Kia kaha i te sit wā uaua. Ka whakaraoaro mātou ki a koutou.
Waiohiki Marae

Ngā mihi Kay, we really appreciate it xx

Waiohiki Marae
Patricia on 04 Mar 2023
Waiohiki Marae

Thank you Trish xx

Waiohiki Marae
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 04 Mar 2023
Waiohiki Marae

Thank you so much, we really appreciate it x

Waiohiki Marae
Linda on 02 Mar 2023
Jammin on 02 Mar 2023
Waiohiki Marae

Thanks cuz xx

Waiohiki Marae

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Waiohiki Marae (Charity)
Registered Charity
A Registered Charity has legal recognition under the Charities Act 2005.
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 19 Feb 2023 and ended on 5 Mar 2023.