$1,020 donated
Given by 13 generous donors in 10 weeks

Waitomo Raukuri Reserve predator trap network. Protecting our natural world.


Bring the bird song back to our community.

Contribute to a great cause and double your money; Discover Waitomo will match dollar for dollar (up to 15k) every contribution made to this page.

The Ruakuri Scenic Reserve is Waitomo's jewel. An epic cave karst landscape and sanctuary to New Zealand's endemic and vulnerable fauna and flora.

Discover Waitomo in partnership with the Department of Conservation is committed to ensuring this beautiful place is protected.

In the last two years, extensive predator control has reduced rat activity in the reserve from 86% to undetectable (0%) levels.

Looking to the future, to sustain low rat activity and ensure the highest standards of conservation is maintained, Discover Waitomo is fundraising for a network of Good Nature A24 traps. Good Nature traps are safe, easy to use, humane and self-setting. This greatly reduces labour input, reliance on pesticides and will deliver a more sustainable and long-term predator control programme.

The outcome of this fundraising initiative will be increased ecosystem vitality - more birds (and bird song), long tail bats, insects and bush - in the Ruakuri Reserve and radiating out to the surrounding Waitomo region.

Tiakina nga manu, ka ora te ngahere Ka ora te ngahere, ka ora nga manu: Look after the birds and the forest flourishes. If the forest flourishes, the birds flourish.

Use of funds

All funds raised will be used to purchase Good Nature A24 traps and lure. A24 traps are safe, easy to use, humane and reset themselves. These will be deployed to the Ruakuri Reserve and maintained by Discover Waitomo and the Department of Conservation.

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Latest update

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Traps in action  30 April 2019

These traps, combined with the existing network, cover the whole Ruakuri reserve, bringing the highest standards of predator control and protecting this amazing cave and karst landscape and all the birds that call it home. We hope you visit soon!

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Latest donations

Judy on 14 Feb 2019
Murph on 14 Feb 2019
Angela Farr
Angela Farr on 14 Feb 2019
Mark and Irene Frederikson
Mark and Irene Frederikson on 11 Feb 2019
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 11 Feb 2019

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, THL Waitomo Caves (Business)
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This campaign started on 3 Jan 2019 and ended on 20 Mar 2019.