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Wangapeka Study & Retreat Centre needs an Electricity Supply Upgrade!


      31 March 2020

    Well, that escalated quickly! On the 15th of March our campaign came to a close. With your help, a grand total of $42,433.00 has been raised towards the Wangapeka Power Supply Upgrade.

    We are so grateful to each and every one of the 65 donors who gave so generously, beyond our expectations. A huge thank you also goes out to all those who gave their time to help shape the campaign, and everyone who helped spread the word.

    ---- Final numbers:

    Direct Donations: $29,733.00

    16 Donations from 15 Donors

    Givealittle Donations: $12,800.00

    55 Donations from 60 Donors

    Total Donations: $42,433.00

    71 Donations from 65 Donors

    This leaves just a small contribution from the centre’s reserve fund to make up the balance.

    ---- Where are we up to now?

    Patrick, our Land Caretaker has widened the track in preparation for crane access. This involved removing an apple tree, whose last fruitful offerings were quickly stewed and stored during Tarchin’s retreat. The centre is welcoming donations of apple trees to replace the one that was removed.

    Our plan was that the contractors would come and install the new pole and transformer between the 7th and 9th April, promptly followed by having the area surveyed to ensure Network Tasman have an easement on the land and finally the electrician to do the wiring. Of course with the recent announcement of Covid19 Alert Level 4, this is now going to be delayed however, all the arrangements are in place and ready to go as soon as we are able.

    We will send further updates and photos as the situation and work progresses.

    Thank you again for your incredible support.

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  • 3 days and $9,182 to go

      12 March 2020

    Just a short update to adjust our givealittle goal to $20,392, in response to further direct donations. This leaves us with just $9,182 to go :)

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  • We're close to 80% Funded!

      4 March 2020

    Hi everyone. We're incredibly grateful to announce that we've now had 50 generous donations towards the electricity supply upgrade. Many donations have come directly and we are now adjusting the givealittle campaign goal to $21,492 to reflect this.

    We have just 11 days to go until our fundraising deadline. If you haven't already please considering sharing our givealittle page with your friends / network to help us cross the line.

    Iain has also made another helpful short info video to illustrate some of the implementation details.

    Thank you again for your amazing support!

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    • 05/03/2020 by Tim

      Great that we are 80% of the way.

      As many donations have come directly and we are now adjusting the givealittle campaign goal to $21,492 to reflect this.....what is the actual balance needed. I assume its is less than $4000 to raise in the next 10 days??

  • We are half way!

      2 February 2020

    We'd like to say a huge thank you to our 38 generous contributors who have donated a total of $24,598. We're now half way to our $50,000 goal. Much of these donations have come directly rather than through this givealittle campaign, so we are updating the goal on our givealittle page accordingly to $31,492. Thank you again for your support in making this happen.

    We have also released a video which puts the upgrade in perspective - a typical New Zealand home has 60 Amps of service available to it. Our centre currently has 30 Amps. Yes, our centre currently has half the service of a single family home!

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