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Extra funds for Wassiem and little Alen

  • Update from Wasseim

      16 August 2019

    .Aslam alaykom


    Alen has completed her treatment in Auckland and has made some miraculous improvements. My family has returned to our home in Christchurch but we still have a long journey of recovery ahead of us. Alen is still in a wheelchair and will be requiring rehabilitative treatment in hopes of improving her physical conditions. We are aiming to seek specialist treatment in Germany .

    Since we come back from Auckland we have Giving notice to leave property or to buy the property So with everything’s been going on and we been very busy I couldn’t get hold of the landlord he have sold the property and we have noticed by the court to leave the house .

    In the meantime I have Another to surgery and also I have to focus on my health condition and also my daughter health condition

    And also I’m not able to do any work yet because I still have a lot to go through

    Thank you so much for your generosity thank you so much for support me and my wife and my family Without this generosity my life would be so much difficult Allah bless you all

    Salam alaykom

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  • Alen's progress

      12 April 2019

    Alen is beginning to respond to questions with one word answers. She was able to sit up slightly for half an hour. We are unsure as to what she can and can't see. She cant yet move her body with control, and her eyes do not track or fix on anyone.

    She managed to swallow a teaspoon of water today. No solids yet.

    Please keep praying with us - every small development is very exciting.

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    • 13/04/2019 by Abbie Montgomery

      This is an exciting development in a very heartbreaking time.

      You're a very beautiful and brave little girl and New Zealanders are thinking of you.

      You and your family are not alone.