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Waterfront 2029

$1,325 of $250,000 goal
Given by 9 generous donors in around 12 months

Our mission is to support proposals to relocate Auckland’s car and container port by 2029.


Waterfront 2029 has been formed out of the Stop Stealing Our Harbour group. Waterfront 2029's mission is to support proposals to relocate Auckland’s car and container port by 2029. The Government is making a decision on the matter very soon, in December 2019, after deliberating the findings of the recent Upper North Island Supply Chain Strategy Working Group. We’re raising funds for a bold social media campaign to build support for the Government to make the right decision and move Auckland's port. We're informing the public about the issue and the benefits of moving the port and upgrading our freight network. Our goal is to generate 7.7 million Facebook and Instagram ads to inform the public on why Auckland's port should move. The majority of Aucklanders are in favour of moving the port. More than 60% support the port going, with only a small minority opposed, according to a recent Colmar Brunton study. The Rt Hon. Helen Clark ONZ says moving the port is "a big vision that would be a win-win for Northland and Auckland". The Rt Hon. Sir John Key agrees, saying "the real opportunity to unlock the full potential of a world-class city like Auckland rests with relocating the port. I fully support this sensible initiative." Mana whenua also agree the port should move. We need to build support for the Government to decide to move the port and bring the upper North Islands freight network into the 21st century. Let's join the other great waterfront cities that have transformed their waterfronts, such as Sydney, London, New York, Vancouver, Singapore, Cape Town and Wellington. Now is the time to make the right decision and finally resolve this crucial issue for Auckland, Tauranga, Whangarei and New Zealand.

Use of funds

100% of your funds will be used to generate 7.7 million Facebook and Instagram ads to target audiences. None of your money will be used for administration or creative work, both of which are already covered by existing donors.

Latest donations

Paul on 15 Dec 2019
Jeffrey on 08 Dec 2019
George on 29 Nov 2019
Gor for it
Annika on 27 Nov 2019
Go for it!
Pip on 27 Nov 2019

Who's involved?

Society for the Protection of Auckland Harbours - SPAH's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Society for the Protection of Auckland Harbours - SPAH (Group)
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This campaign started on 24 Nov 2019 and ended on 24 Nov 2020.