WE NEED YOUR HELP - Auckland University Cricket Club - Indoor Training Facility - $80K LEFT

$4,765 of $80,000 goal
Given by 26 generous donors in 8 weeks

WE NEED YOUR HELP - Auckland University Cricket Club - Indoor Training Facility - $80K LEFT

Saint Johns, Auckland

The Indoor Training Facility (ITF) has been a long-term goal of AUCC for many years and we have now received approval from Auckland Council to construct the facility.

COVID-19 has significantly hindered the project over the last two years, and since the beginning of the project the cost to build the ITF has continuously risen. The total cost of the project is now $790,000. To date we have managed to raise $710,000 through Grants Funding, Donations, our own Fundraising efforts and AUCC Club Reserves. We now require a further final $80,000 to start construction ASAP.

Kicking off construction now is critical for AUCC before construction costs continue to rise and AUCC loses access to our secured builder.

The building is located adjacent to our clubrooms at Colin Maiden Park and should this opportunity be lost it is unlikely we will have an opportunity to build an indoor nets facility at the park based on the Colin Maiden Masterplan as it stands.

We need your help to strike now before we lose the opportunity of building this

important asset for our members.

We are actively pursuing all available avenues to help close the funding gap, and member donations will be a key component. As such, we are targeting at least 50% of this coming from your donations.

Use of funds

All proceeds will go towards building the Indoor Training Facility

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Latest update

Final Updated Costings of the Project  12 November 2021

Final Updated Costings of the Project

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Latest donations

Crocker Family
Crocker Family on 24 Dec 2021
Neill on 16 Dec 2021
This will be a great legacy asset for AUCC
Premier Mens Squad
Premier Mens Squad on 15 Dec 2021
Great work on getting to this stage! Let’s keep it going!
Caleb on 09 Dec 2021
Great work team on getting it to this stage! One last push
Felix on 06 Dec 2021

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Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Auckland University Cricket Club Incorporated (Group)
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This campaign started on 3 Nov 2021 and ended on 31 Dec 2021.