We Need Your Love!

$12,445 of $10,000 goal
Given by 152 generous donors in 7 days

This page is to help the family of my uncle Gerardo Torres.

Christchurch, Canterbury

Today my beloved uncle Gerardo Torres passed away at the early hours of the morning, if with a heavy hearth that I am writing this message. As you probably know he was an extraordinary persona that filled our hearths with joy every time he perform at any of our community events. Is now our turn to help his family with any funds that could be used towards the funeral cost.

As a community we are strong and we are united! if you could help we would be very grateful.

I have permission from the direct family to post this request, thank you and much love to you all.

Angela Paley's involvement (page creator)

My beloved uncle for ever in my hearth.

Use of funds

The money will be used for funeral cost and to help the family assimilate this sudden and tragic news.

Latest update

We need your LOVE  27 October 2022

On behalf of Mery, my uncle's wife.

Gracias Señor a toda la familia y amigos en general de todas partes del mundo, por estar presente en el funeral de mi amado esposo y también a los que apoyaron en la pagina de Givealittle.

Se cuánto lo apreciaron y lo querían por su carisma, cariño; porque fue muy amigable con todos.

Siempre estaremos agradecidos por sus palabras de aliento y esperanzadoras frente a este irreparable pérdida. Gerardo nos dejas innumerables y muy felices recuerdos. También agradecer por sus condolencias y compartir nuestro dolor.

Hoy mi corazón está de duelo. He comprendido que el alma de mi esposo está en un lugar mejor.

Thank you, Lord, for all our family and friends around the world, for those who came to the funeral of my beloved husband, and for those who gave us support through the givealittle page.

I know how much you all appreciated him for his charisma and kindness, and because he wanted to be a friend to all.

We will always be grateful for your words of comfort and hope during this time of deep grief. Gerardo has left us with countless amounts of wonderful memories. We are also grateful for your condolences and for sharing our pain. At this moment my heart is aching but I believe my husband’s spirit is in a better place.

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Latest donations

Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 25 Oct 2022
Bryan on 24 Oct 2022
Gerardo was a good man with a kind heart. Very saddened to hear of his passing.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 24 Oct 2022
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 24 Oct 2022
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 23 Oct 2022
Fuiste el mejor Gerardito, gracias por todo. Se te extrañará tanto. Abrazos gigantes para Mery y Carola
Angela Paley

Thank you for your love.

Angela Paley

Who's involved?

Angela Paley's avatar
Created by Angela Paley
Mery Tamayo de Torres's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Mery Tamayo de Torres on behalf of Funeral Cost
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This campaign started on 18 Oct 2022 and ended on 25 Oct 2022.