Nurse and husband in need

$14,895 donated
Given by 240 generous donors in 6 weeks

Raising much needed support for the family of nurse from the Whakaari tragedy who lost her life in car accident.

Bay of Plenty

It’s almost Xmas and this is every family’s worst nightmare.

On Saturday 14th December, our darling friend Sheila Cheng was tragically killed in a car accident in Rotoiti.

Her husband Rhys is in a coma in Waikato Hospital, having multiple surgeries to save his life.

Sheila was an ICU nurse at Whakatane Hospital, an amazing soul who was front and centre during the Whakaari/White Island tragedy only days beforehand.

Their family are being hit with a double tragedy right before Xmas, any kindness spared during this time would be much appreciated.

Amanda L Lorin's involvement (page creator)

I am a good friend of Sheila and Rhys, and the mother of the child who was involved in the tragedy that took our Sheila’s life.

Use of funds

All funds will be donated to the family for Sheila’s funeral and Rhys medical costs.

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Latest update

On behalf of Rhys  21 January 2020

Hey Everyone,

Rhys is so grateful for the funds that have been raised to help him.

He has given me this message to share with you all:

'To everyone who donated,

Thank you to each one of you for your kindness and generosity. It has given me great peace to be able to cover funeral bills and other costs at this difficult time.

Thank you all so much.'

Rhys has received the funds and can now rest and recover, having a lot of the financial burden eased thanks to our efforts.

Thank you all again! No words can truly express the amount of gratitude we feel for you all.

May you all enjoy your 2020 in love, gratitude and with many blessings coming your way.

Kindest regards and thoughts,

Amanda :)

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 30 Jan 2020
I am going to miss Sheila a lot, she was one of life's nice people and so is Rhys
Katri on 24 Jan 2020
Thinking of you Rhys, take it one day and moment at a time <3
Joseph on 15 Jan 2020
Trish on 14 Jan 2020
I don't know Rhys personally but have been a customer of Bear Cottage in recent times. I'm so very sorry this has happened :(
Sheila's colleagues.
Sheila's colleagues. on 12 Jan 2020
In memory of Sheila from her colleagues at Whakatane Hospital.

Who's involved?

Amanda L Lorin's avatar
Created by Amanda L Lorin
Rhys Bugden's avatar
Paying to a verified bank account of Rhys Bugden on behalf of The Family of Sheila and Rhys
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This campaign started on 16 Dec 2019 and ended on 1 Feb 2020.