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Wicksey's Family need your help

  • Celebrating the good things…

      31 October 2023
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    Hello, I just wanted to take a minute to jump on here and say THANK YOU again for the overwhelming support you have shown Matthew, Emma and Ivy.

    I wanted to share some beautiful news from the family, as it’s important to focus on some of the good things.

    Some of you who know the family will know that Emma is pregnant with their second Child.

    Stress is the last thing a Expectant Mother needs, so your love & donations have helped so much to soften the blow of losing everything.

    With Emmas blessing we wanted to update you all on the news that they are expecting a lil boy and everything is progressing as it should 💙🩵💙

    Matthew & Emma are beyond grateful for all of your love, and navigating each say as it arrives

    Again, Congratulations Emma & Matthew on this happy news

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  • Thankyou

      23 October 2023
    Posted by: Matthew Wicks

    A little update from me and my family. We are beyond overwhelmed with the help we’ve been receiving from the community. There are no words to convey how thankful we are for the support we’ve had this past week. Now we wait for some closure so we can start the journey of moving on with the next chapter in our lives. It’s truly been the week from hell but it many ways it’s shown us what an amazing community we live in and the truly amazing people who live here. You are what makes this town great and I wouldn’t choose to live anywhere else. Much love from me, Emma and Ivy.

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  • Thank you just doesn’t seem enough…

      21 October 2023

    Just want to pop on and say THANK YOU Oamaru! Whilst I was one avenue for donations for the Wicks Family, its been overwhelmingly beautiful how you have rallied around and united to comfort the family in this awful event.

    Matthew & Emma are very humble people. They have been blown away by the continued support.

    I think it’s important to remember how generous Wicksey has been with his career as an artist, In fact it was only a matter of Months ago, he donated half of exhibition sales to the Food Bank via the Salvation army. I believe you put good out into the world and good comes back when you most need it.

    As you are aware this is now being treated as Arson and is now under Police investigation.

    From the Police :

    Oamaru Police are investigating following a fire at a residential address on the corner of Stuart and Perth Streets, yesterday morning between 8am and 9:15am.

    The fire is being treated as suspicious.

    Police seek information from anyone who may have witnessed a suspicious vehicle or person/s in in the area between 7:30am and 9:15am.

    If you have information that can assist Police with our enquiries, please contact us on 105 or online at using ‘Update Report’.

    Please reference file number 231018/8112.

    Information can also be provided anonymously via Crime Stoppers on 0800 555 111.

    Again, on behalf of myself & the Wicks family thank you just doesn’t seem enough but Thank you…

    We are grateful for each and every single one of you.


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      19 October 2023

    Firstly THANK YOU to each and everyone of you who has donated to this very worthy cause. Matthew & Emma are totally overwhelmed and are feeling the love. They can’t put into words how grateful they are.

    In light of the latest update This Family needs your support and love more than ever.

    To think that someone has chosen to deliberately destroy this families life is absolutely gut wrenching.

    This delays so many of the logistical things, and makes a process that is already difficult a very drawn out gut wrenching one

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