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  • Life Goes On

      9 February 2017
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    Below is an update from's wonderful and written as he has thought it. Read. and Enjoy.

    There are also two new photos added to the gallery. One is a crazy-haired face pulling Wil in hospital, not long before she passed. She maintained that sense of humour to the end.

    The other is one close to my own heart. It was taken at my daughter Poppy's 1st birthday - taken by Sacha...the look of love on Wil's face as she poses for her eldest is heart-achingly serene.

    Over to you Charles:

    Ok - So where do I start? Yes, where do we start?

    I guess although this may be a good question to ask, the real answer is that we never actually finished anything! Starting is not what we have done, we have simply continued.

    Has it been hard without Wilhelmina? Of course, yes.

    Do we miss her? Yes

    Do we want her back? Yes

    Is she coming back? No

    “Papa I wish you could bring her back”, yes that has been a real statement from one of my daughters.

    “Papa, it is better that mama died. They couldn’t cure her and she had pain”. That was another wonderful wise statement from one of my daughters.

    There have been many words of wisdom come from the children along with great moments of comedy as they remembered little memories of singing out of tune in the car to Cher and “Walking in Memphis”.

    Our house is not a house of sadness. Generally speaking, we live a life of “movement” ever evolving and moving forward.

    Most of what I have been trying to do is to put plans in to action that Wil and I discussed. For instance; moved the girls in to one big room (my old bedroom) so that we freed up a room to be a study. Now we are cleaning that space and making it into a workable study space. This meant buying a bunk bed so that the four girls could occupy the one space.

    Paying the house off. Well when you are one income down this is almost impossible. Thanks to your contributions on Givealittle - I paid $23,000 off the mortgage. This brought down the monthly interest from around $515 to around $460. I really need to rid myself of the mortgage completely because if I do not do this within the next year or so I could lose the house completely.

    It is a small mortgage in comparison to others of $112,000 however losing your partner’s income doesn’t help.

    Wilhelmina wanted to me to add another room to the house. Goodness knows when that would be!

    She was very wise so I wish to make this happen. She wanted to flatten the back garden and make it workable for an organic veggie patch. She wanted a retaining wall to create such a garden…ever hopeful.

    Wil and I discussed my further development both as a teacher and a masseur and so I am always researching ways to increase my capacity to both learn and earn. So, this is something I will continue to do and recently gained a certificate in Raynor massage and intend to do the diploma next year.

    The children and I had a great Christmas and are continuing to have fun. We have watched movies, been for nerf throwing, tried handstands and played music and wrestled and had people around for dinner. We went to see Nona and Opa this month and life continues as you can imagine without ceasing.

    Bills still come in as they do for all of you and lunches need making and clothes still need purchasing. I am lucky enough that my girls have been brought up to know what general responsibility is. They clean and make dinners and can bake and knit and do all kinds of wonderful creative things. As well this they are actually very nice people. (I am of course biased).

    Wil’s funeral was funnily enough a highlight of last year. Some say there were 800 people who attended. There were great speakers and Christmas carols and people dressed in colour instead of black. The coffin was painted by the children and covered in shells and stones.

    After the service, we held a party for her. There was a live jazz band made up of students and ex-students of mine as well as people whom I had played alongside in bands of the past. I sang with them. There was dancing and there was so much food, people were so generous we had to give a lot of it away.

    There were of course plenty of tears but there was also laughter. Wilhelmina wanted us to have a party and so that is what her funeral was like. People came away feeling renewed and uplifted. In life, she had brought people together and she did also in death.

    There are many people that I should mention who have helped through this whole process but I fear I might leave someone out. So maybe I should just say - you all know who you are.

    Life is complex when it comes to emotions and so when you ask us how we feel, we may just give the answer “fine”. It’s as close as you may ever get to the truth. One person commented on my behaviour recently noting that I was quite “jovial”. They thought it was inappropriate - I answered truthfully, “I’m sorry - I’ve never lost a wife before, I don’t know how to act”.

    And that my friends, is the truth of it. None of us here “know” how to be. We are simply feeling our way through life.

    Thank you for your incredible support through what has been an unusual time.

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    • 10/02/2017 by Pauline

      I can honestly say I had tears in my eyes after reading this. Having known you for nearly 30 years I can honestly say you are doing a fantastic job. Wil would not want you all to be crying non stop, being miserable and moping around the house day in day out. You were both so full of life and Wil would want you to continue to be so. Being jovial and appearing happy is no way disrespectful - it is showing that you know one day you will all be with Wil and this is a temporary separation. It is also being happy knowing that Wil is no longer suffering.

      Keep doing what you are doing as your girls will be happier for it and Wil will be looking down on you all and smiling with you. God Bless you all, Pauline xx

  • Wilhelmina

      10 October 2016

    Dear friends, friends of friends and unknown angels,

    It is with a very heavy heart that I have to share the news that our dear Wilhelmina lost her brave battle with cancer.

    She passed away peacefully at home, her happy place, surrounded by all her family just before 6pm on Sunday.

    Arrangements are underway for her funeral to be held this week, details to be confirmed.

    Charles, Sacha, Alayna, Freya and Aurelia, along with Wil's sister, brother and parents have been truly overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and support shown by so many people.

    As far as this Givealittle page goes, our attention turns to Charles and the girls. They need our support now more than ever to get through this next stage of the journey they're on. Please continue to donate and support them while they re-adjust their life. They need us now.

    Thank you, arohanui xx

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  • Thoughts from Charles - and a request

      8 October 2016
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    It's a quiet Saturday morning, but not for my mind. My mind hasn't been that quiet for a long time now. There are a million and one things to think of. Yet my mind can only think of one thing.

    The hospice Dr said to Wilhelmina this week, "You should have died three weeks ago but you proved me wrong - keep proving me wrong"

    My heart, my thoughts, my stomach churn out hope and love and strength in the direction of the bed in which she lays. Sometimes I think it is in vain but when I hear the words in my head "keep proving me wrong" - I keep hearing the actual soul of Wilhelmina.

    She has an incredible mind, such wisdom, such caring, such love. Any person with whom she has come into contact has felt better for having met her.

    So I want to ask the following of anyone who feels they can to do our family a huge favour:

    If you feel that you have been a given a gift by Wilhelmina and her love, then please write below what she did for you. You don't have to be explicit if it is too personal but please write at least an inkling of the words or the heart she used.

    I want a record to one day show her of what impact she has had thus far on this world.

    I also want a record for my girls. An electronic legacy.... So please could you do that?

    Thank you.


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  • A new abode for Wil

      4 October 2016
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    Dear friends,

    I'm sitting here writing this update with a smile on my face...thinking about Wil and all she has done in the past couple of weeks, to defy this sod of an illness further grip on her body.

    She was successfully moved into hospice care on Monday (3 October) and now has a much more homely feeling accommodation for the next while. Charles brought their cat Ink in to see her which was so great...just to be able to do that for starters, but also for Wil's peace of mind. More comforts of home.

    She has had a lymphatic massage (to help remove the waste products in her body) by a massage therapist. More importantly for her soul, she's had some music therapy, courtesy of her two big girls Sacha and Alayna playing the harp and xylophone and singing to their ma.

    Never failing to provide a giggle, Wilhelmina has also done the unthinkable and eaten jelly and ice cream as well as lasagne and some yoghurt, which doesn't normally agree with her. Take that ugly illness!!!

    The family are continuing to maintain a low visitor threshold (Charles' words) and keeping visitors to mainly family and those who deal directly with her (massage etc)...this is working well for her energy levels, so whilst it's not ideal for the throngs of friends wanting to see her - right now, this is what she needs and wants.

    Since being in hospice and off the morphine and oxygen, she's breathing better and sitting up - small gains, but very significant!

    That said, she really REALLY wants everyone to know how touched she is and continues to be with the outpouring of love and concern for her.

    You are truly her angels.

    *the photo and video that I've uploaded with this update are actually from the hospital and show her being lifted with a hoist they use. So it's a little out of date, but the hospice staff have also used a hoist, simply to minimise the pain for Wilhelmina getting in and out of bed to therapy etc.


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  • Wilhelmina Update - September 2016

      29 September 2016

    Hi dear friends and family of Wil

    Since the last update we gave you, there has been some progress...small and slow though it may be, it's progress and we're clinging to that, right?

    The full story to this point is that when Wil was admitted to hospital, she had pneumonia and a suspected blood clot in her lung. So she was hastily put onto a blood thinner which took care of that. It turned out to not be a clot, but needed to be treated that way all the same.

    The saline flush the doctors gave her was successful in getting the calcium levels in her system back to normal. #winning

    However her speech was still a little confused so the specialist decided to scan her brain - just to see what was going on up there. What they found were some calcium deposits and two small tumours which along with the cancer in her spine, were blasted with radiation and have had a desired effect, in that her pain levels have been reduced.

    Her breathing is ok at this point, however on an occasional 'bad' day she does need a bit of help which is readily given. She's in the best place, help is on hand at a moment's notice and whilst it isn't in the comfort of her own's the easiest way for now.

    Wilhelmina is somewhat of an over-achiever with this Cancer thing...not content to just battle one, she has decided to take on five. That's right, five beastly cancers. Her breast, where the original lumps were found, her liver, spine, lungs and brain. And let's not forget about the pneumonia! And yet, through all this...she continues to fight.

    Oh and her appetite has increased the slightest amount, but it's increased #winning

    This thing is so all-consuming and absorbing. There is not a minute of the day when her husband and four incredible girls, her sister and her brother aren't by her side, or thinking about her. I'm sure that can be said for many of us one step removed from that as well, be you in the same suburb, same town...a city away, or on the other side of the world. Her reach and the love she has given is so widespread, it's coming back in bucket loads.

    She is without a doubt the most courageous woman I know.


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  • Wil's Current Health

      20 September 2016

    Dear friends and generous donors...those who know and love Wilhelmina and those secret angels she has not met.

    This is a quick update for you all on Wil and her current health status.

    On Monday morning, she took ill and was taken to hospital. It was discovered there that she has had a large calcium build up in her system which has been making her very sick and inhibiting any medications, or treatments from working as they should. The doctors started her on a high level of saline to flush the calcium out of her system and this has helped to some degree, in that she has become more alert and is resting more comfortably. Once she is stronger, there is a likelihood of a radiation intervention on Wil's spine to help with the pain, which will be a welcome relief for her!

    Charles is at her side at the hospital, with her sister and another very close friend. She is in the best hands.

    Charles has taken the week off work and he and their girls have been spending time together, gathering their strength for Wilhelmina as she gets through this bump in the road. In fact, he slept with their two youngest daughters last night :)

    Wil, Charles and the girls are so humbled by the response they've received and every donation is so gratefully received.

    We will keep this page updated. Thank you again so much.

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