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Wildlife Conservation And Rescue Animals South Africa

  • Use of funds

      10 August 2023

    The money raised from this page will go towards the rescue and relocation of lionesses currently being raised in a small enclosure at a canned hunting facility. Funds will go towards fuel for the convoy transporting the lions, food and water, vet checks and necessary equipment for darting and transporting the lions to their new safe and healthy home.

    If funds are raised beyond the target amount, excess funds will go towards future wildlife operations and sanctuaries in South Africa to support the rescue and rehabilitation of injured or orphaned animals. The money raised from the page is all going to the lion operation, I'm using my own savings for my personal expenses over there.

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  • The objective

      9 July 2023
    Main image

    These two lionesses are who we will soon be flying in to rescue. They are currently sitting in this poor enclosure of a canned hunting facility, but soon will be transported into Zimbabwe by myself and a small team, where they will create a new pride and live in a safe and healthy environment.

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  • Op Start Date Nov 16th

      12 June 2023

    Nov 16th will be the arrival date to South Africa where our team will meet up to begin the rescue mission of female lions currently held in a canned hunting facility. I'm aiming to raise $4k on top of my personal funds to supply equipment, food, water and transport costs for the convoy between SA and Zimbabwe.

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