WTP Stolen Tools Fund

$2,400 donated
Given by 59 generous donors in 4 weeks

Fundraising to replace stolen tools for trail building and maintenance at Wainuiomata Trail Project - WTP.


Unfortunately overnight Saturday 2nd/Sunday 3rd May 2020 the tool shed at Wainuiomata Trail Project (Waiu Park) was broken in to and our big ticket tools were stolen. The most notable of which were a Stihl Brushcutter and accessories, a petrol generator, Hitachi Concrete Breaker, petrol plate compactor and our prized and much loved E-Barrow. WTP did not have any insurance cover for the tools.

We have an amazing community of park users and supporters, a number of whom have asked how they can help us by donating to replace the stolen tools so we have set up this Give A Little page for anyone who wishes to help us. We greatly appreciate anything anyone has to give.

Use of funds

Replacements for stolen tools and equipment. Should we raise more than we need to replace exactly the items stolen, we will buy more new shiny tools so more people can come along and get involved in trail maintenance!

Latest donations

Nick McBride
Nick McBride on 01 Jun 2020
Lester on 10 May 2020
Jason on 09 May 2020
NS on 08 May 2020
Mike on 08 May 2020
Thanks for all the awesome trails.

Who's involved?

Wainuiomata Trail Project's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Wainuiomata Trail Project (Group)
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This campaign started on 3 May 2020 and ended on 3 Jun 2020.