Books for Kids

$570 of $2,000 goal
Given by 15 generous donors in 8 weeks

Wymondley Road School needs some new books for their first library and I thought I could do my bit to help them out.


I am privileged to be involved in an incredible school, Wymondley Road Primary School based in Otara, Auckland. Every time I walk in to the school I am greeted with huge smiles and a sense of warmth. In the short time I have been involved there I realise how important it is to support our kids in NZ with their education right from Day 1.

Wymondley have been lucky enought to have built a new school library after receiving funding from the Government! This will be their first library in 8 years! BUT they have no money for books and so far the count is 3 small boxes left over from the old library. Being a decile 1A school, unfortunately their school families are not able to help them out financially.

They need to raise $10,000 to make a real go of the library, this is not a lot in the scheme of things. The average price of a book is $19. Hardbacks range from $18 - $29. Scholastics have also offered them 35% of total sales in commission.

I really feel a sense of need here and Wymondley Road School and I would really value your support and have come up with an idea to donate a new book/s for their children. Instead of a straight donation, they are encouraging people to choose a book and have your name writen inside the cover as the donor -it reminds the kids how lucky they are to have so much community support. You can put in your name, or your own child’s name as donor – kids giving to kids is pretty cool – or your family, company or any other way you’d like to go about it. If that’s all too hard - no problem the money is great.

So my pitch is...

I will be heading out to the school to make my selection of books to donate personally. I would love to be able to take out a whole lot more than this on behalf of all you guys to donate a whole bunch of books to this amazing library. I am happy to make a selection on your behalf and forward on any names to put inside covers if you wish or if you only want to donate a small amount then that is fine too.

Anything would be hugely appreciated and I would be stoked to turn up knowing that you have these kids on your mind.

If you could please write in the description area if you would like your name put into the book as a donor and what you would like it to say.

Any questions, email me on


S xx

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Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 03 Oct 2014
Books are so important, I hope you reach your goal and beyond. How wonderful.
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 Oct 2014
Books are so so important. Amazing cause.
Stevenson Family
Stevenson Family on 02 Oct 2014
Enjoy reading your new books!
Ms Fish
Ms Fish on 02 Oct 2014
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 02 Oct 2014

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Sarah Montford's avatar
Created by, and paying to a verified bank account of, Sarah Montford
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This campaign started on 3 Sep 2014 and ended on 2 Nov 2014.