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Xavier Tiffany Grand Prix 1 Olympic Qualifier, Havana, Cuba.

  • Post Cuba Update

      10 July 2023
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    A big thank you to all the donations and well wishes for Xavier; the Olympic Qualifier was the biggest challenge to date and without you, we wouldn't have got there! Your kindness and generosity have helped launch Xavier's international weightlifting career! He came 11th of out 40 in Cuba, narrowly missing out on 2 NZ records! He is now preparing for the Senior World Champs in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in September 2023. If you know or are able to send him a personal message, he would love the hear from you as he aims to represent us all on the World stage once again. We will update you on any future fundraising if you wish to continue to help. But just remember, wherever this journey takes Xavier, you were there at the very start! God Bless. Xavier & Family.

    (PS. Have attached Cuba comp video if you are interested- skip to 23min to see his first lift).

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  • Nearly there!

      11 May 2023
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    With 2 weeks to go before Xavier boards the plane on a trip of a lifetime, we are so very close to reaching our goal of covering half the costs. We couldn't have done it without the very generous donations of each friend, family member, teacher, coach, and very kind members of our Hamilton community! We cannot thank you enough for taking the time out of your lives to help a little fulla from the Waikato represent NZ on an international stage. You guys are awesome! Blessings to you all x

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  • So Blessed!

      25 April 2023
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    Xavier has been overwhelmed and overjoyed with the generous donations from friends, fans & family so far! With 40 days to go with this page, we are already over halfway to our goal thanks to some amazing donors! Having this support makes an unbelievable difference to his build-up & drive to represent you all overseas! We cannot thank you all enough, not only for the funds but for the heartfelt words of support & encouragement! Blessings to you all! Xavier & Team x

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