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Young mother of two needs sma surgery not available in nz

on 29 Jul 2023

Brad asks

Hi Tayla what's the rough amount for your goal to get a surgeon into the country and to help with your operation , sounds like itd be a nightmare to go through , it's not much but I'll put fifty a month towards it for you even if that's to just help with fortisips etc , really sorry your going through that , it's bullshit the way the system can be in New Zealand , am happy to do that for you though until something is able to be done to help you if that's a help , I can start it this coming week and every four weeks from there on I know it may seem random but i have a feeling your deserving and I find it astonishing that you have a way to help yourself through facing that when there was no help offered in the first place , hope you have a good day and if that would be a help just give an email of your account you want it deposited into and I'll let you know when there's money in there I've been hard of good health before I know it can be difficult to see through the next few days but you've done a awesome thing and even offering the insight for surgeons shows the amount of your character

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