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Yvan the warrior

  • Update from the Garcia Family

      2 September 2024
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    Yvan has had an updated MRI last week to see if the chemo has had an affect on Yvan's cancer cells - and we are overjoyed to say that the results are very promising! The MRI showed an amazing reduction in the cancer cells in Yvan's spine already and we are hoping and praying that this continues. Yvan has 11 more cycles of chemo to go. All of the prayers, support and Yvan's positive attitude help so much for his treatment so we would like to once again give a massive thank you to everyone that has offered our family continuous support and love.

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  • Yvan Update

      14 August 2024
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    First off, a big thank you to everyone that has donated to this page! the love and support shown for the Garcia family is overwhelming and VERY VERY much appreciated!. After a 2 day rest at home, Yvan is back in hospital today to start his second round of Chemotherapy - this is a big one but he is still smiling! After this round the family are hoping that he will be able to go home to recover before the next round in a couple of weeks. Yvan, Bien and Fourth have all shaved their heads in preparation/support for this round of chemo. The family wanted to say a huge big thank you to everyone that has donated on the page as well as those that have delivered meals etc to the house. Words can't really express how thankful they are. Lots of loves

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