Supporting a young couple & their family following a devastating diagnosis.
Westport, West Coast
Shay and Georgia Williams are a young, recently married couple based in Westport, West Coast. All within the first week of July 2024 Shay has been transferred to Christchurch Hospital following blood tests & has been diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL). This type of leukaemia can appear suddenly and progress rapidly - treatment for Shay will commence within 1 week of being in Christchurch.
With an overwhelming diagnosis and decisions to be made very quickly, Shay and Georgia are needing to relocate to Christchurch for approximately 6 months whilst Shay receives extensive chemotherapy and treatment.
Both Shay and Georgia are not going to be working during this time, it would be nice for them to be able to concentrate on treatment and eventually returning to their home, whānau & dog Wally. Funds will be used for costs involved with family visits, living expenses, alternative treatments and general wellbeing.
Thank you all for your love, offers of help & support so far as they navigate through this very challenging time.
Brother in-law and sister.
Medical appointments, family visits, living expenses, alternative treatments (organic produce for juice cleanses and similar) and general wellbeing.
Thanks incredible!! 14 August 2024
Hey guys and girls I've only just signed into this but just got say Wow!! Thank you all for your generous donation!! This takes a huge stress off of Georgia and myself so thankyou!! I was reluctant to do this but so glad now Hazel talked me into it, this journey has only jus begun.. but some good new the first round has put me into remission ( under 5% cancer cells in blood). Thanks to the incredible team around me! And all the support from everyone 🙌 off the roads now so hopefully a more peaceful future ahead 😅.