Canterbury West Coast Air Rescue Trust

Chopper Appeal Westpac Fitness Challenge

$8,953 raised

Representatives from Westpac will fundraise & train for the air rescue crew's fitness challenge.


The Challenge:

1. Choose your champion representative

2. The representative creates a givealittle page (by clicking on the 'Help Fundraise' button on the right hand side of this page) and calls upon their peers to sponsor them to participate in the challenge—the minimum fundraising commitment is $500

3. Train to make sure you are ready for the challenge

4. On Friday May 27th we will have the Final Challenge at the rescue helicopter base (Garden City Helicopters). Each champion representative will compete to finish the crew fitness challenge

***Prizes for best times, and a special prize for the person who raises the most money for the air rescue service***

Key facts about Air Rescue (to help you in your fundraising!)

- Since 1989 the region’s air rescue services have undertaken over 9,000 missions

- At any given time of the day or night, a rescue helicopter crew is on standby ready to deliver life-saving aid using the best training and technology

- The specialist equipment in each Rescue Chopper costs $1million and includes portable defibrillators, life monitoring systems, life-rafts, winching equipment and stretchers

- The crew are ‘on call’ 24/7; they work 4 days and nights – 96 hours on duty in a shift.

- During the day the crew respond to the emergency call-out within 10 minutes, at night within 20 minutes

- In our vast and diverse rural environments, the speed and maneuverability characteristics of a rescue helicopter offers unique advantages and access over conventional land ambulances

- If a patient can have access to the specialist care they need within one hour of the onset of illness or injury their chances of making a complete recovery increase by up to 80% - this is referred to as “the golden hour”

- Only 30% of our funding comes from the government - the trust relies on community support to continue to provide this life-saving service

- Each rescue mission costs $8625 (on average)

Participant leaderboard

See all 10 participants

Latest donations

Lachlan Isles
Lachlan Isles on 28 May 2016    Jody Scott's Chopper Appeal Month Fitness Challenge
Pete on 27 May 2016    chopperchallengemarkforward
Great work beating all those pretenders.
Lyn Rogerson
Lyn Rogerson on 27 May 2016    chopperchallengemarkforward
Brad Smith
Brad Smith on 27 May 2016    chopperchallengemarkforward
Riffo and Vic
Good luck Lisa, you rock!

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This campaign started on 18 Mar 2016 and ended on 31 May 2016.
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