With May being Chopper Appeal Month we are looking to fundraise plenty of money to support our local heroes who are on call 24/7 to help eve
At the end of May 10 staff will be undertaking the below fitness challenge... fastest time wins
Row 500metres
Run 25metres
Push Up x20
Run 25metres
Sit-Ups x20
Run 25metres
Standing Squats x20
Run 25 metres
Swiss ball jack-knifes x15
Farmers stair walk with 20kg kettlebell each hand x3
Wall-ball 10kg thrown above 10ft x10
Seated rope pull 20 metres
Box jumps x20
Plank 60 seconds
30kg sand bag - ground to chest x10
Rest 60 seconds
Finish with another 500 metre row.
I am competing in this challenge to raise money for the Westpac Rescue Helicopter.
Representatives from Westpac will fundraise & train for the air rescue crew's fitness challenge.