The stamina and fitness to undertake the Helicopter fitness Challenge

$453 donated
Given by 27 generous donors in 4 weeks

With May being Chopper Appeal Month we are looking to fundraise plenty of money to support our local heroes who are on call 24/7 to help eve


At the end of May 10 staff will be undertaking the below fitness challenge... fastest time wins

Row 500metres

Run 25metres

Push Up x20

Run 25metres

Sit-Ups x20

Run 25metres

Standing Squats x20

Run 25 metres

Swiss ball jack-knifes x15

Farmers stair walk with 20kg kettlebell each hand x3

Wall-ball 10kg thrown above 10ft x10

Seated rope pull 20 metres

Box jumps x20

Plank 60 seconds

30kg sand bag - ground to chest x10

Rest 60 seconds


Finish with another 500 metre row.

Lisa McGregor's involvement (page creator)

I am competing in this challenge to raise money for the Westpac Rescue Helicopter.

Participating in

Chopper Appeal Westpac Fitness Challenge

Representatives from Westpac will fundraise & train for the air rescue crew's fitness challenge.

Latest donations

Riffo and Vic
Riffo and Vic on 27 May 2016
Good luck Lisa, you rock!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 27 May 2016
Go Gordon !!!
Rhonda on 26 May 2016
Go hard girl.
Rachel Scott
Rachel Scott on 26 May 2016
Well Done Lis, You got this in the bag xx
Nicola Bennett
Nicola Bennett on 25 May 2016
Go Lisa!!!
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 28 Apr 2016 and ended on 31 May 2016.