Richard's fitness challenge for Chopper

$500 of $500 goal
Given by 13 generous donors in 26 days

Westpac Rescue Helicopter Challenge - a timed fitness competition between Westpac employees to raise money for the Chopper.


The Chopper crew use this test to make sure all new employees have the demanding level of fitness level required to go on rescue missions. They must complete this in less than 30 minutes. The fitness challenge gives us a taste of the stamina required to be member of the rescue helicopter team.

Only 30% of the Chopper's funding comes from the government - the trust relies on our donations to continue to provide this life-saving service. Each rescue mission costs $8625 (on average)

The Fitness Assessment:

-Row 500 metres

-Run 25 metres

-Push up X 20

-Run 25 metres

-Sit-ups X 20

-Run 25 metres

-Standing squat hands behind head X 20

-Run 25 metres

-Swiss ball knees to chest (jack-knifes) X 15

-Farmers stair walk – with 20kg kettlebell in each hand X 3

-Wall-ball with 10kg medicine ball thrown above 10ft X 10

-Seated rope pull 20 metres

-Box jumps X 20

-Plank 60 seconds

-30kg sand bag – ground to chest X 10




Richard Grant's involvement (page creator)

I'm involved because as a Westpac employee we all get behind chopper each year to fundraise. This is a great cause and really makes a difference in our community.

Other page links

Participating in

Chopper Appeal Westpac Fitness Challenge

Representatives from Westpac will fundraise & train for the air rescue crew's fitness challenge.

Latest donations

Rob on 27 May 2016
now you have reached your target :)
D&K on 26 May 2016
Go hard bro!
Ri Rizzle
Ri Rizzle on 26 May 2016
Charlie & Caity
Charlie & Caity on 26 May 2016
Awesome stuff Rich, hope you smash it mate!
M Selak
M Selak on 26 May 2016
Good stuff Rich!
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 1 May 2016 and ended on 27 May 2016.