
$1,300 donated
Given by 37 generous donors in 6 weeks

Chopper challenge - I am attempting the Helicopter Fitness assessment - 15 different exercises twice, all while being timed


A timed challenge with collegues comprising of rowing, running, push ups, sit ups, squats, swiss ball, stair walk with weights, wall ball, rope pull, box jumps, plank, sand bag, with running in between twice through, phew!

Mark Forward's involvement (page creator)

I will complete this chellenge. The Chopper is synonomous with Westpac and this event coincides with the annual chopper appeal

Participating in

Chopper Appeal Westpac Fitness Challenge

Representatives from Westpac will fundraise & train for the air rescue crew's fitness challenge.

Latest donations

Pete on 27 May 2016
Great work beating all those pretenders.
Lyn Rogerson
Lyn Rogerson on 27 May 2016
Brad Smith
Brad Smith on 27 May 2016
Jean Forward
Jean Forward on 27 May 2016
You can do it Mark. So proud of you. xx
Celine McCarthy
Celine McCarthy on 27 May 2016
Good luck Mark. Great Effort
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 14 Apr 2016 and ended on 27 May 2016.