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100+ People Who Care | Dunedin - 21 August 2023 Meeting

$3,305 donated
Given by 28 generous donors in 14 days

An open crowdfunding initiative which gives back to the local Dunedin community at quarterly events! Check out Facebook page for more info!

Dunedin, Otago

The winning charity from the 21 August 2023 meeting was the Dunedin Night Shelter! Please make your donation here.

A big thank you to Cancer Society Otago / Southland and Presbyterian Support Otago for sharing about their great work in our community. Please don't hesitate to get involved in supporting their great causes too.

About the Group: Members commit to attending four one-hour meetings per year and to donate $100 at each meeting, totaling $400 per year. Three charities share for five minutes each on their work in the local community. There is a brief question and answer time for each charity. Once the three charities have spoken all meeting attendees vote on which charity should receive the money, and the charity with the most votes wins!

If you'd like to know more about the group please view our social media pages or contact Nick Berryman via nick.berryman@bayleys.co.nz or 027 841 2832.

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Donations Now Closed  4 September 2023

Hi everyone, a massive thank you for your donations! A total of $3,305 was raised for the Dunedin Night Shelter, less Givealittle's necessary admin fees this will amount to $3,164.75 reaching the charity and helping those who most need it in our city! We can't wait to see you back at our next event!

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Lawson on 04 Sep 2023
Lawson on 04 Sep 2023
Dallis & Emma
Dallis & Emma on 01 Sep 2023
Henry on 31 Aug 2023
Katharine on 30 Aug 2023
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This campaign started on 21 Aug 2023 and ended on 4 Sep 2023.