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100km Swim for Huntingtons

on 9 Jan 2022

Big asks

Hi Eleanor,

Not really a question but wanted to let you know how moved I was when reading your story. My father was diagnosed years ago with Huntington's disease when very little was known about it. It was kept from us as children ( with best intention) and I was only told I was at risk at around the age of 18. Fortunately for me I had a good test result but not before I had struggled with the worry for about 18 years. Sadly my siblings have not been so fortunate, I had twin sisters Emma and Sam who were identical so obviously if one carried the gene so did the other. Sam passed away over ten years ago now but Emma is in care on the South Coast of England. My brother Nick is in a half way care home now. He was much younger than us. My poor mother has endured this for so long now and like you I cannot get back to England to spend time with her. There is no doubt here in NZ we live in the best place in the world but family is family. Hopefully this year I can get back. My brother's name was put forward for the new ground breaking therapy/treatment but he felt he was not going to be capable to do it so he opted out. Is that an option you are hoping for? My best wishes go out to you, keep strong, your story was so inspiring and I will be sending a donation to you later this week. I have a friend who keeps urging me to write a book of our story as a family which has been pretty incredible, at this stage I have written the first chapter but have become a bit lost, hopefully your story will galvanize me to kickstart the story once again. Best wishes, Alistair Hargrove


Hi Alistair,

So nice to hear from you, thank you! I am sorry to hear about your father and siblings, i can only imagine how hard that must be. I also found out when I was around 18! Where in England is Emma? I am from Southampton and my mum is still there! She lives alone now and has had symptoms for a few years now so I cannot wait to go back and see her! No I haven't heard about this trial? I am not symptomatic and hopefully wont be for at least another 30 years or so. Ahh a book sounds awesome, I would love to read what you have so far!? My personal email is would love to keep in touch! Thanks again for reaching out! Ellie :)

Eleanor Williams

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