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120kg,50cc,322 arduous kilometres

  • Done and dusted

      4 March 2024
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    Firstly, a big heartfelt thank you to all who supported me by donating to this worthy cause. I raised $1600 as of today as part of the total of $133,000 raised by the 222 hardy souls.

    One of our team didn’t quite complete the ride and is still in Palmerston North hospital with a fractured pelvis after achieving the impossible and falling asleep on the way to the lunch stop. Get well soon Andy. On a positive note, it gives us a reason to do it all again!

    What started, as all good things do, with a comment over a couple of beers 14 months ago has finally come to fruition.

    My thanks to you all and bless your generosity


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  • Done

      2 March 2024
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    So, we have done it! I will post more details shortly but for now, this is the total raised as of 6pm tonight

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  • The night before

      1 March 2024
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    So my beautiful donators, we have signed in, applied stickers and retired to the pub for the night. 06:00 start will be interesting.

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  • The bikes are loaded

      29 February 2024
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    Quick update team. Firstly thank you to my generous friends, I am now up to $1335. Can we make it $1500? Please send to anyone with a generous bias.

    The bikes are now loaded and heading towards Napier. More posts to come

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  • Things are getting real

      28 February 2024

    Wednesday before the big ride. Last night I gave the bike a once over, fuelled her and loaded wet weather gear just in case. Tonight all the bikes get loaded for delivery to Napier, we travel down on Friday. Many thanks to all who have donated. If the 200 riders have done as well it will be a bumper year for local charities.

    I will post more over the next few days

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      19 February 2024
    Posted by: Jolly Good Chaps
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    We have almost met the first goal, 200 riders. As at Monday 19th Feb we have 196 riders registered. LETS GET TO 200!!!!

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  • Last practice ride

      12 February 2024
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    So on a glorious Sunday morning the full squad finally got together for one last practice ride covering 80km, a quarter of the event distance to give the bikes one final run. Kudos to Mark who flew in from Oz for the weekend. Two of the guys had spills, hopefully they are not too sore today.

    Just over two weeks to go and hoping to get over $1000 so please spread the word

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  • Christmas update

      24 December 2023

    Firstly I would like to thank you all who have generated so far. $640 in the first week from friends all around the world is more than I hoped for. The scooter is safely tucked away until January whilst I spend time with family. The new year will see a push to reach our fundraising target and with a bit of luck a corporate sponsor to logo the trusty steed.

    Merry Christmas to you all


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