50th Birthday

$521 donated
Given by 10 generous donors in 13 days

Bowel Cancer Foundation Trust



To those who know me, I don't like to make a fuss about my birthday. This year is an exception as I reach this milestone in a beautiful place and a life enriched with amazing people. Rather than a party I am asking for support for the Bowel Cancer Foundation Trust.

In the US at age 50, this would be the time to start bowel cancer screening. We are just in the process of rolling out processes in New Zealand, but it isn't enough. Bowel cancer is one of the most diagnosed cancers here in New Zealand with over 3,000 people diagnosed each year. 90% of bowel cancers can be prevented if we catch it early enough.

Undetected, it can't. Bowel cancer kills as many people in New Zealand as breast and prostate combined. Young and vibrant people have their lives cut short due to undetected cancer.

Bowel Cancer Foundation Trust provides screening, rehabilitation and helps with treatment for those who do not qualify in the public system to detect bowel cancer early and help save lives.

​They also fund vital research and partner with a number of leading clinicians, institutions and academics across New Zealand helping to provide better patient outcomes and equity of care across the country.

Alyssa Thompson's involvement (page creator)

Improve bowel cancer screening in New Zealand

Latest donations

Richard on 28 Sep 2020
Kari on 27 Sep 2020
Sarah on 27 Sep 2020
Hope this helps with this essential work
Joanna on 26 Sep 2020
Rachel on 26 Sep 2020

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Created by Alyssa Thompson
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This campaign started on 26 Sep 2020 and ended on 9 Oct 2020.