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51 for Carla (and Mary)

  • Final prep, timings for the 30th and another reason to do this.

      29 August 2024

    I’m not feeling 100% prepared for my run/walk and I’m pretty certain that Carla and her family weren’t 100% prepared for what was to come either. But with the support of Mary Potter, they faced Carla’s last days with courage and dignity.

    Today’s walk took me past my Dad’s childhood home. It’s also the home where, aged just 23, my Mum cared for my Granny Badham during her last few months after breast cancer had spread to her bones. Apart from a daily nurse visit, there was no other support for Granny, my Mum or the family. There was no local hospice and none of the other amazing support services, like bereavement counselling, provided by hospice today. Thinking about this gives me one more reason to fundraise for Mary Potter.

    Tomorrow I will set out on the first leg of 51 for Carla (and Mary). At 8pm on Thursday 29 August (NZ time 7am on Friday 30th) I will run 5.1km. I hope that some of you will join me in a run at this time (or a walk) to remember our beautiful friend on what would have been her 51st birthday, and to celebrate life like she wanted us to.

    I will complete the 51km the next morning. I'd like to be done before midnight NZ time, before Carla’s birthday comes to an end, but the only promise I can make is to do my best and to have fun doing so. I’m sure that’s all Carla would want (though I can still hear her telling me I’m crazy!)

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    • 29/08/2024 by Kate

      Kia ora Jo, I think it's such a great thing you're doing - ka mau te wehi!! - and kia kaha over the next 48 hours! I'll join you (kind of) on this side of the world...but over a longer period of time - and walking! I'll do a couple of smaller stretches during Friday, but do most of the 51km over saturday and sunday. Not as challenging as your endeavour, but hopefully there'll be a bit of overlap to be with you at the same time, while it's still Carla's birthday on either of our sides of the world :)

    • 30/08/2024 by Jo Badham

      Wow Kate. This is amazing that you are joining in for the whole thing too. Thank you. It means a lot.

  • Post-covid training

      9 August 2024
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    Post-Covid, training is not definitely not where it should be, but I'm not in the running for a gold medal at the Olympics, so am pretty certain my body will get me through if I'm sensible (I also have Carla in my ear reminding me to look after myself!)

    Last Sunday I did a long training walk (20km). My route coincidentally took me past Stroud's hospice, Longfield Community Hospice. I'd been out the day before with a school friend, who used to work in events and fundraising for Longfield. When she found out about my run for Mary Potter, she said "ooh, we used to love people like you".

    Like hospices in New Zealand, British hospices aren't fully funded for the invaluable services they deliver. In NZ, the government currently funds 40-50% of hospice's work, but the rest (c.$94 million a year) comes from donors, bequests and op shops. And hospice funding is still feeling the impact of Covid, when community events and op-shopping didn't happen. As well as supporting individuals through their last days, Mary Potter provides ongoing bereavement care and counselling to their whānau. Sufficient funding is critical to these services.

    If you've not already done so, please do share this page with anyone that might like to make a donation to remember our beautiful friend Carla and to support Mary Potter to continue its work. Now, back to the training...

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  • A minor setback and an updated fundraising goal

      27 July 2024

    Thanks to the generosity of those who have donated so far, my initial fundraising goal has been reached (Thank you!) so I've stretched it a little further... Although it receives some government funding, Mary Potter Hospice relies on donations, bequests and opshop sales to deliver their incredible services to people like Carla and their families.

    In the meantime, I arrived in the UK about a week ago, and once the jetlag had cleared, I started my training again. All was going well until a little bit of a sore throat and a planned visit to my 80 year old aunt prompted me to test for Covid... When my lungs let me (ironic, I know) I will start running again. Until then, it will be a strict regime of walking. When it comes to the end of August, if I can't run the 51, I will just have to walk. Regardless of whether I walk or run, I know I will be able to hear Carla telling me I'm a little bit crazy. But she, and Mary, are worth it.

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  • Why I run

      8 July 2024
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    25 years ago in August 1999, at the age of 50 my Dad's best friend Adrian was diagnosed with lung cancer. He was a 6'7 sportsman and sports teacher and a big part of my life. Like Carla, Adrian was full of life - holidays with Adrian and his wife Margaret were always full of fun and laughter. Adrian died just a couple of months after his diagnosis, and I ran my first half marathon in his memory in October 2000 (photo in gallery).

    A memorial piece to Adrian, published in a local newspaper in November 1999 highlighted his 'attitude to taking part, rather than winning' and his 'enviable and welcome philosophy about the balance between enjoying the game or race and seeking success'. So I will keep this in mind as I run my 51 for Carla and Mary on 30th August. I won't be breaking any records, and it won't matter if I end up shuffling the last 10km. Whilst Carla will be at the front of my mind, Adrian will be there at the back, both of them spurring me on.

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