A Mayor Paddle - Fundraiser for Live for More

$2,973 of $6,000 goal
Given by 51 generous donors in 9 weeks

We are raising $6000 NZD for Tauranga Charity Live for More by paddling 37Km on our surfboards from Mayor Island to Mt Maunganui in a day

Mount Maunganui, Tauranga

Hi friends, family and anonymous philanthropists,

we are Dave and Felix (aka Fafa) and are two good friends that grew up in the Bay of Plenty (Te Moana a Toi) surfing together.

We take the firm view that as capable and prospering individuals, we hold a responsibility to our community to help those around us who are not able to help themselves. As the Maori whakatauki (proverb) captures nicely: “Ehara taku toa I te toa takitahi, engari he toa takitini” – “My strength is not that of an individual but that of the collective”

Live for More is a local Charity Trust that brings these groups of people together. Their team of incredibly hard-working, altruistic and skilled people are helping out young men in the Tauranga area who have had a rough start to life. With an experienced and strong team, Live for More are incredibly effective at getting young men off the street and inspiring them to live richer, happier lives.

To get a glimpse into the powerfully transforming work that Live for More do see the 3min video below

> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_7c0JZNa0I&t=152s

Live for More take young men who's lives are filled with violence, drug abuse, neglect, gangs and crime and put them through their 9-week Tai Wātea/Waves of Freedom program

On the program the men experience:

- Learning to surf, and the joys of catching waves every day of the program

- Given support through group counselling

- Learn their pepeha and whakapapa (Maori geneaology and cultural ties)

- Tools to understand what they enjoy doing and support with finding employment

- Inspiration: Connected to a community of individuals in similar situations that have now turned their lives around

- Graduation ceremony: They present a powerful haka as well as their pepeha and sharing their journey of transformation to friends and family. Here they are recognised for their achievements, often for the first time in their lives

To see a copy of their 2021 Outcomes Report see the following link --> https://liveformore.org.nz/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/LFM-Outcomes-Report_2021_Email.pdf

It costs $6000 to put one young man through this program. This is what we are aiming for with our fundraiser. To do so WE ARE PADDLING 37KM… ON OUR SURFBOARDS… IN 1 DAY!

That’s right people, in one day we are going to paddle from the southern beaches of Tuhua/Mayor Island back to the base of Mauao/Mt Maunganui in the Western Bay of Plenty, New Zealand. We will be supported on the day by friends in boats, who will be following us closely and setting the course. We expect the paddle to take a full day. We will have to contend with ocean currents, wind, swell, large shipping vessels entering and exiting the Tauranga port as well as marine life…. aka sharks.

We will be testing our physical and mental limits with this. If you believe we have it in us and feel inspired, we would greatly appreciate a donation to support this noble organisation.

Stay stoked,

Dave and Fafa

Felix Hirling's involvement (page creator)

Supporters of a local organisation doing honourable and effective work to help our community be prosperous

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A Mayor Paddle - Thank You  20 April 2022

Kia ora global whanau!

It's all wrapped up now so we just wanted to send you a wee update. She sure was a Major Paddle! Both the fundraising and the paddling went phenomenally well :-)

We wanted to say thank you again so much to all our friends, family and other supporters for your contribution towards this cause. In total we managed to raise just over a massive $7500! Thanks to you, one young Bay of Plenty man will now be supported to see that there is a better way to live - a life filled with hope, health, connection, enthusiasm and pride.

At a time when the world is at a breaking point due to isolation, loneliness, polarisation, judgement, apathy, greed, loss of values; YOU all stood up and showed the opposite through your sympathy and generosity!

We are both so grateful to feel a part of this global community fighting the good fight!

Wishing you all great fortune and support with your undertakings,

Fafa and Dave

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Lois on 09 Apr 2022
AMAZING achievement David and Felix. I am proud to know you both.
Hana on 07 Apr 2022
<3 <3 <3
Jonathon on 04 Apr 2022
Mammoth effort for an awesome cause lads!
Emily on 04 Apr 2022
Michael on 03 Apr 2022

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Created by Felix Hirling
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Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 8 Feb 2022 and ended on 17 Apr 2022.