ACCERT - Relay for Life (Wellington)

$4,768 of $10,000 goal
Given by 54 generous donors in 5 weeks

ACC Extreme Relay Team are doing their bit to help raise money for the Cancer Society


Help support our relay team to CELEBRATE the lives of those who have battled cancer, REMEMBER loved ones lost, and empower individuals and communities to FIGHT BACK against a disease that takes too much from too many

Alana McGimpsey's involvement (page creator)

Cancer touches us all in one way or another. This past year our team have learnt just how common an experience of cancer is and why we all need to work together to support services, research and prevention initiatives that reduce the impact of cancer

To do our part and get behind such a worthy cause on 09 April for 17 hours the team will be running/walking/jogging our way around Frank Kitts Park

Latest donations

Ernest on 08 Apr 2016
Go Thyda!!
Yoga for the People Lower Hutt
Yoga for the People Lower Hutt on 07 Apr 2016
From levels 13, 14, 15, and 16
From levels 13, 14, 15, and 16 on 07 Apr 2016
Bake sales and Mufti days. GO TEAM
Matt on 07 Apr 2016
Better get training ANURAG ANURAG SHARMA!
Guest Donor
Guest Donor on 07 Apr 2016
Go Grethe and Alana! You and your wee feet will be amazing xxx
Tax credit
Donations of over $5 are eligible for a New Zealand charitable giving tax credit.
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This campaign started on 1 Mar 2016 and ended on 8 Apr 2016.