Adventure for Dementia

$10,810 of $10,000 goal
Given by 129 generous donors in one year

An epic running adventure to raise awareness about dementia and funds for Dementia Canterbury


I’m embarking on an adventurous running challenge in 2023 to raise awareness of dementia in New Zealand and to raise funds for Dementia Canterbury who offer support for families affected by dementia.

The challenge is to run the infamous Pipeline of Pain route in Christchurch’s Port Hills - a distance of 5.2 km and 465 m of running uphill. Now that might be adventurous enough for some but my plan is to run it once in January, twice (in one day) in February, three times in March, … all the way through to twelve times in December. That’s a total of 62.4km and 5,580m of climbing in December and a total of 405.6km and 36,270m of climbing over the whole year!

This running challenge is in memory of my aunt Joanie Sommerville who lost her battle with Dementia in January 2022.

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Twelve laps for December - we smashed it 🤩  4 December 2023

We did it! Twelve laps of the Pipeline of Pain and nearly $12,000 raised for Dementia Canterbury!

Saturday's twelve laps took 17:58:10 and covered 60.9 km and 5,745 m of climbing - that's 1.5 times the height of Aoraki Mt Cook. I've run 78 laps of the Pipeline of Pain this year - that's 395.7 km and 37,166 m of climbing. I may not do it again for a while....

I'm not sure that it has really sunk in yet - the enormity of what we have achieved. I say "we" because I certainly couldn't have done this without the community of people that have rallied around my mad idea. Back in January, this whole thing was a bit of a pipe dream (pun intended) and I wasn't entirely sure that it was possible. But with a bit of stubborn and a whole lot of support, we have totally smashed all of my goals!

Thank you so much to everyone who helped me on my Adventure for Dementia! To those who showed up to run a lap or two, the folks who donated money to a stranger doing a mad thing, the friends, family and strangers who gave up their weekends to feed me snacks and offer moral support, the online community who cheered me on from afar, local businesses Further Faster, Team CP & Pure Sports Nutrition for their support, my partner Hamish for facilitating the madness and the mad bugger Ken who joined me for 66 of my 78 laps(!) - thank you! This would not have been possible without you all!

Now I might go and have a nap - I need to rest up before the next mad adventure, whatever that might be..

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Activity tracking

Time spent exercising: 319 hrs 35 mins
Total distance covered: 1,822 km

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Adventure for Dementia: December  2 December 2023

Exercise map
17 hrs 58 mins
61 km

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Dean Anderson
Dean Anderson on 13 Dec 2023
Herculean effort for a great cause. Well done, Amy.
Amy Whitehead

Thanks so much, Dean 🤩

Amy Whitehead
Niki on 08 Dec 2023
Awesome work!
Amy Whitehead

Thanks so much Niki 🤩

Amy Whitehead
Mey on 07 Dec 2023
Truly inspiring effort from you and the team! Keep raising the awareness of dementia, a growing health problem that will affect more people. From Mey Chong supported by son/ carer Keith.
Amy Whitehead

Thanks so much Mey and Keith for your generous donation 😍

Amy Whitehead
Gary on 05 Dec 2023
Great cause, keep up the good work.
Amy Whitehead

Thanks so much Gary 🤩 so good to have your family along for the journey!

Amy Whitehead
Chris on 04 Dec 2023
Amy Whitehead

Thanks so much 🤩

Amy Whitehead

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Created by Amy Whitehead
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This campaign started on 10 Jan 2023 and ended on 10 Jan 2024.