Participating in Drop for Youth Marlborough 2022
I am getting thrown out of a plane for the kids! Helping Marlborough’s young people discover life is more than fancy wines & cheese & salami on dry crackers. Salami belongs on pizza and we need to raise money to help these kids experience that. The more money that you donate, the parachute people will be less focused on my safety. It could end up like those little green soldier toys we had as kids with an old school plastic bag to reduce the speed of my descent and impact with the ground. Remember plastic bags? They were great until the dolphins ruined the fun.
In anyway, here is the 'official' bit...
"I am a true believer in the work that Graeme Dingle Foundation Marlborough do with the young people of the region - positively impacting over 50% of Marlborough kids every week. Definitely something worth jumping out of a plane for!
All funds raised will be used to cover programme delivery costs within the Marlborough region."
And those Playstation 5s won't buy themselves!
We're daring people to get outside of their comfort zone, just like our young people do through our programmes!